Thursday, September 29, 2011

Questions from mums & dads returning to work: Childcare

Q. What advice do you have for parents looking for childcare? I've heard it's extremely hard to "get in". How do you secure a place at the centre you want?

Visiting and talking to the carers will be your best chance of finding the perfect place for your child. If possible try to drop into the centre or Family Day care home outside of your appointment time so that you can see how things “really” work and try to visit at a couple of different times of the day. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, you’re entrusting these people with your baby.

There are more options out there than just day care centres. The most common types of care available in Australia are:

·         Private arrangements
·         Family day care
·         Centre based child care or long day care
·         Occasional care
·         Pre-school
·         Nannies, au-pairs, babysitters
·         In home care

Planning is the key to a successful placement and you should start this planning well in advance of you needing the care.

Here are a few points to consider when thinking about each option:

·         Do you want individual care for your baby?
·         Will the carer be able to meet my child’s individual needs?
·         Is cost a factor in your decision?
·         What skills does the carer possess? Eg. First ad certificate, qualifications in child care.
·         What sort of interactions will my child have with the carer?

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